Eric Lee

Completed Solves
United States 2015LEEE01 Male 10 179

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3247 4246 16290 9.91 12.49 18910 4839 3697
2x2x2 Cube 5537 7255 25800 3.20 5.23 29320 8274 6354
4x4x4 Cube 3935 5378 21347 54.75 1:00.09 19378 4851 3543
3x3x3 One-Handed 3723 5080 20812 24.64 26.99 15862 3736 2741
Pyraminx 6669 8574 31295 7.08 7.98 14680 3686 2851
Skewb 6322 8005 26644 8.21 15.53 36082 11334 9005
3x3x3 Cube
Qualifornia 2017 First round 36 12.27 14.52 15.2618.0114.3612.2713.93
Newport Fall 2016 First round 27 10.92 13.04 10.9212.0216.7913.3713.72
Poly Cubed 2016 Second round 13 11.75 13.55 15.3214.0611.7512.7713.83
First round 11 10.70 12.49 10.7012.1612.6012.7114.08
Caltech Winter 2016 Second round 20 12.24 14.37 DNF14.4713.4615.1912.24
First round 17 9.91 13.55 13.479.9114.7215.2912.47
Nub Open 2016 Second round 15 11.29 13.66 13.7113.2111.2914.1314.06
First round 20 11.06 14.75 13.9016.5613.7911.0619.49
Caltech Fall 2015 First round 31 11.72 14.93 15.8911.7212.9116.1616.00
SoCal Supercomp 2015 Second round 32 15.69 19.64 19.1815.6921.1319.9019.83
First round 31 15.06 16.24 15.3615.0631.4116.4716.89
Alliance for Education 2015 Second round 11 13.83 15.96 17.8313.8316.5216.1915.18
First round 10 14.47 16.20 17.2916.8014.4714.5118.60
San Diego Summer Splash 2015 Second round 14 12.17 15.86 16.9219.4314.4316.2412.17
First round 14 14.55 15.77 16.2016.2919.3514.5514.83
Orange Coast Puzzle Meet 2015 Second round 25 16.98 20.14 16.9820.1724.0721.8118.43
First round 22 15.33 17.75 17.4815.3318.4319.8417.33
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