Agnessa Mungina

Completed Solves
Russia 2015MUNG01 Female 9 122

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1006 12382 49748 14.06 17.32 52361 12904 1067
2x2x2 Cube 1071 12996 43727 4.11 6.43 50070 14166 1128
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 154 2121 5316 41
Pyraminx 3105 27211 91393 15.17 17.93 78189 23576 2712
Skewb 1457 14591 45907 13.66 19.17 44121 13966 1351
3x3x3 Cube
YJ Fest 2018 Second round 75 18.38 22.31 23.5644.3519.1324.2418.38
First round 79 17.46 19.04 19.3618.7519.0024.8017.46
To The Moon 2017 Second round 36 15.02 18.30 18.7818.8417.2815.0236.66
First round 40 14.06 19.74 19.7619.7514.0619.7222.92
MPEI Open 2016 First round 92 15.79 18.14 19.7921.6216.6218.0115.79
CCC Summer Open 2016 Second round 46 15.31 17.32 18.0018.4719.0115.4815.31
First round 48 16.00 18.35 22.4516.0020.2417.4217.39
Moscow Christmas Open 2016 First round 53 17.09 21.12 21.1123.3517.0921.8820.36
Moscow South-West Open 2015 First round 59 21.57 24.57 29.1024.6321.5727.3421.75
CCC End of Summer 2015 First round 68 21.31 25.23 25.3928.5921.3128.3321.96
Moscow Spring Open 2015 First round 118 55.14 1:03.67 1:13.401:05.131:03.961:01.9155.14
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