Rikhil Nanda

Completed Solves
India 2015NAND01 Male 3 45

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2745 21181 58083 15.05 18.81 62464 23079 2958
2x2x2 Cube 2564 15292 52654 4.54 6.96 58996 17853 2922
3x3x3 Cube
SCMU Juhu Open 2015 Second round 26 17.66 19.75 17.6631.7918.7520.7819.72
First round 35 17.21 21.45 21.3317.2124.3324.5818.69
SP Open 2015 Final 12 15.05 21.30 24.0920.7115.0519.0925.56
Second round 11 16.94 18.81 19.4924.0019.4817.4616.94
First round 16 18.22 20.65 18.2221.0323.7521.2619.67
Speed Cubing Mumbai Unlimited 2015 First round 50 23.05 27.80 28.0138.8425.1823.0530.21
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