Sam Porter

Completed Solves
United Kingdom 2015PORT03 Male 6 204

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1396 14881 60121 15.30 17.81 55796 13723 1278
2x2x2 Cube 737 7354 23263 3.08 4.94 24288 7275 772
4x4x4 Cube 1330 14807 51129 1:40.58
3x3x3 One-Handed 775 8657 33172 32.62 40.80 33218 8602 788
Pyraminx 745 8268 24713 6.37 9.58 24011 7946 749
Skewb 275 3113 8942 4.59 6.91 7404 2517 218
Square-1 337 3153 9564 27.89 39.35 10037 3266 356
3x3x3 Cube
August Bank Holiday Competition 2017 Second round 63 22.28 23.60 22.2826.8622.3323.6124.87
First round 50 16.70 17.81 16.7016.7419.3217.3623.33
Newcastle-under-Lyme Open 2017 Second round 29 17.44 18.31 19.6017.4418.2218.9517.77
First round 30 15.30 18.78 16.4520.1922.2815.3019.71
Peterborough Open 2017 First round 43 17.40 19.35 17.4018.3619.2020.4920.99
Birmingham Open 2016 Second round 44 17.92 23.35 18.1325.1426.78DNF17.92
First round 43 17.95 20.80 21.2917.9521.2221.3919.90
UK Championship 2016 Second round 90 17.07 20.61 17.9823.2117.0720.6426.38
First round 78 16.30 19.29 27.3216.3017.5919.6220.67
Welcome Thay Cambridge 2015 First round 33 22.13 24.62 24.7124.0525.1022.1326.56
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