Zhonghao Sun (孙忠豪)

Completed Solves
China 2015SUNZ03 Male 4 79

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5015 14818 40238 12.91 14.89 35133 13159 4505
2x2x2 Cube 6723 22012 74801 5.62 6.45 50892 15398 4910
4x4x4 Cube 2395 6820 19595 52.77 59.11 18584 6500 2312
3x3x3 One-Handed 3883 12029 33665 32.85 35.42 27240 10044 3313
Pyraminx 4548 14717 55461 9.61 22.71 93963 25244 7557
3x3x3 Cube
Harbin Open 2019 Second round 32 12.91 15.41 12.9116.0816.6618.6313.48
First round 40 14.63 17.68 14.6317.8418.8916.3218.91
Harbin Open 2018 Second round 42 15.09 16.61 16.4117.5215.0915.9018.85
First round 40 14.82 16.56 18.2016.5616.7914.8216.33
Heilongjiang Colleges Open 2017 First round 21 14.50 14.89 15.0514.5015.5014.7214.91
Heilongjiang Open 2015 Second round 27 15.89 17.98 18.6318.5815.8916.7419.50
First round 25 16.54 17.14 16.5420.2517.0717.8016.54
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