Philip Andrew Urbano

Completed Solves
Philippines 2015URBA02 Male 4 92

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1451 14752 40074 12.93 14.05 28862 10759 1087
2x2x2 Cube 2301 25352 85746 6.29 7.69 70168 21136 1922
4x4x4 Cube 790 8359 24634 58.75 1:10.50 26523 8833 856
5x5x5 Cube 590 6405 21795 2:24.60 2:30.92 18495 5505 517
3x3x3 One-Handed 972 9431 25655 27.62 35.54 27272 10056 1033
Pyraminx 745 9267 34969 7.50 8.99 20301 5764 437
Skewb 479 5763 22571 7.41 10.97 21384 5639 482

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 1
3x3x3 Cube
Hari ng Norte 2016 Second round 15 14.55 15.00 14.7614.5518.9914.7215.52
First round 11 12.93 15.52 12.9314.2022.7415.9316.42
Salgado Open 2016 Final 3 12.95 14.27 13.8715.1813.7612.9522.02
Second round 4 13.01 14.05 16.9213.0113.8714.5113.76
First round 11 13.00 18.05 14.8325.2422.5813.0016.73
Northern Luzon Open 2015 Final 41 13.73 24.79 18.5633.0622.74DNF13.73
First round 25 13.83 17.12 20.5517.1217.6416.6113.83
Baguio City Open 2015 Final 29 18.17 21.73 19.9622.6922.5329.4318.17
First round 29 19.02 20.56 20.4719.2322.6219.0221.99
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