Andrei Ryan Aloba

Completed Solves
Philippines 2016ALOB01 Male 2 38

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2021 20638 56551 14.87 16.68 47762 17795 1760
2x2x2 Cube 1504 16637 56980 4.75 6.49 51135 15499 1385
4x4x4 Cube 1128 11943 36829 1:15.02 1:48.45 41198 12727 1291
Pyraminx 1308 15387 58253 9.98 13.43 51809 14029 1206
3x3x3 Cube
Mindanao Championship 2016 Second round 44 14.87 17.38 17.09DNF14.8718.3716.68
First round 36 16.12 16.68 16.1216.4318.6317.4516.17
Clash Of Cubers II 2016 Second round 35 19.05 19.69 20.5119.4619.05DNF19.09
First round 40 18.48 19.88 20.8621.4019.2118.4819.57
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