Pedro Henrique Cunha de Andrade

Completed Solves
Brazil 2016ANDR17 Male 4 117

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2054 8199 96067 20.05 24.08 95269 8053 1987
2x2x2 Cube 1742 6925 87221 6.38 7.44 66465 4977 1196
4x4x4 Cube 1387 5171 68159 2:43.58
3x3x3 One-Handed 1338 4574 54145 1:01.81
Pyraminx 750 3025 41375 8.19 13.64 53287 3712 932
Skewb 779 2646 45208 13.39 19.96 45553 2588 760
3x3x3 Cube
Brasília Spring 2017 Second round 24 21.45 30.72 36.3231.6828.9331.5621.45
First round 19 20.05 25.43 20.0530.0725.7724.4526.06
Brasileiro 2017 First round 52 21.19 27.25 36.5421.1928.7228.4724.57
Brasília Spring 2016 Second round 16 20.42 24.37 20.4223.3126.3926.7123.42
First round 18 21.77 26.41 25.9229.1726.3127.0021.77
Brasília Open 2016 Second round 23 21.21 24.08 22.0725.4438.1921.2124.74
First round 30 23.42 31.21 32.3636.3233.7923.4227.47
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