Nicolás Ardaya

Completed Solves
Bolivia 2016ARDA02 Male 3 35

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 966 13135 145642 28.68 35.77 148867 13402 987
2x2x2 Cube 538 8183 100904 7.34 9.05 87589 6846 439
Megaminx 168 2414 27942 5:04.24
Pyraminx 601 7583 96783 16.82 21.52 90481 6787 516
Skewb 181 3349 57748 21.90
3x3x3 Cube
L.P. 3600 Rubik 2017 First round 25 37.98 43.20 52.0141.6037.9843.2044.80
Sótero del Río 2016 First round 65 28.68 35.77 40.1728.6837.4632.1437.71
Bolivia Nationals 2016 First round 79 44.91 51.38 55.3044.9151.4357.9547.40
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