Jeremiah Paolo Bayanay

Completed Solves
Philippines 2016BAYA02 Male 6 146

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 885 8764 24229 11.05 12.37 17927 6615 651
2x2x2 Cube 579 6717 24949 3.17 5.51 33776 10129 907
4x4x4 Cube 652 6982 20060 53.50 1:01.35 20123 7003 651
3x3x3 One-Handed 256 2763 7557 17.07 23.65 10865 4157 364
Pyraminx 1920 23605 89115 14.67 16.66 71882 19218 1611
Square-1 271 3665 17046 53.97 1:01.87 14285 3172 227

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 0
3x3x3 Cube
Panabo Speedcube Challenge 2017 Final 11 11.44 14.78 11.4415.3116.0814.1214.92
First round 4 11.22 12.37 12.5411.9412.6415.7611.22
Mindanao Championship 2016 Second round 20 11.05 14.77 15.4715.0613.7815.5711.05
First round 29 13.00 16.24 17.2514.7713.0016.6917.62
Tagum City Open 2016 Second round 15 13.99 16.80 15.9017.5113.99DNF16.99
First round 8 14.56 14.97 14.6514.5614.9415.3316.80
Clash Of Cubers II 2016 Second round 27 15.10 17.35 16.1615.1017.3018.5819.45
First round 35 17.05 18.76 20.7818.4017.0917.0522.00
Rise of Cubers Tagum 2016 Second round 36 14.50 19.86 21.4119.0019.1825.8614.50
First round 23 15.95 16.9115.9518.28
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