Tomás Contreras

Completed Solves
Chile 2016CONT06 Male 3 44

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 516 5577 67426 16.15 18.09 57912 4658 439
2x2x2 Cube 543 5695 72447 5.51 6.77 56202 4131 421
4x4x4 Cube 322 2992 37679 1:16.10
3x3x3 One-Handed 279 3078 37207 35.77 44.33 36437 2990 265
Clock 80 1216 21696 35.21 40.81 17807 1084 69
Pyraminx 561 6160 81867 13.12 14.49 59222 4167 370
Skewb 233 2370 39593 11.47 13.01 28538 1756 185
3x3x3 Cube
IN OPEN 2.0 2017 Second round 26 16.15 18.09 16.9120.2218.3216.1519.05
First round 35 18.79 19.11 19.6718.7921.5418.8518.82
Florida 2016 First round 24 16.24 19.29 17.4122.3021.8318.6316.24
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