Maël Dacher

Completed Solves
France 2016DACH01 Male 2 49

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1475 22932 93793 19.65 22.13 84154 20513 1344
2x2x2 Cube 1826 31973 117251 8.86 9.59 93819 25795 1477
3x3x3 One-Handed 1019 14641 54380 1:01.98
Pyraminx 779 15044 47342 8.78 17.82 78148 23576 1213
Skewb 722 14615 45965 13.59 19.49 44966 14227 702
3x3x3 Cube
Belfort Open 2016 Second round 32 19.65 22.63 21.1419.6521.0026.0625.76
First round 32 20.88 23.84 27.1620.8822.2524.5924.67
Strasbourg Open 2016 Second round 21 20.63 22.13 22.6420.6325.3021.4622.28
First round 38 22.65 39.05 46.1324.8722.6546.1546.33
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