Jiahe Dai (戴嘉禾)

Completed Solves
China 2016DAIJ01 Male 13 506

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1352 4153 11731 9.20 11.82 14837 5441 1785
2x2x2 Cube 1277 4351 16769 2.72 4.10 12478 3442 1041
4x4x4 Cube 1019 2926 8348 40.67 47.49 8842 3147 1093
5x5x5 Cube 1049 3212 9943 1:33.78 1:38.54 8491 2796 911
7x7x7 Cube 803 2066 7170 5:43.30 5:59.09 6363 1869 729
3x3x3 One-Handed 549 1618 4579 14.89 21.98 8547 3257 1170
Clock 804 2633 11071 14.75 17.81 10678 2491 772
Megaminx 89 346 1345 50.51 57.92 1418 379 100
Pyraminx 466 1407 5352 3.43 5.31 4493 1303 475
Skewb 240 764 3121 3.11 4.86 2222 566 195
Square-1 103 397 1882 11.72 13.86 1241 258 62

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
7 3 4
3x3x3 Cube
Kunming Open 2019 Second round 11 11.98 13.46 14.0314.2712.0811.9816.03
First round 6 10.63 12.13 11.6910.8013.9010.6315.28
Yunnan Open 2018 Second round 13 11.35 12.92 11.4915.3712.6814.5811.35
First round 9 10.58 12.02 13.6911.1711.8713.0110.58
Nanning Open 2018 Second round 31 10.97 13.27 10.9712.5911.9415.4615.29
First round 26 11.73 13.16 11.7312.0313.5428.3713.91
Guilin Open 2018 Second round 17 10.98 12.08 10.9813.2814.0211.4711.49
First round 18 9.20 12.59 11.7220.9512.8013.269.20
Yunnan Open 2017 Final 7 9.68 13.96 13.279.6815.8215.4413.17
Second round 6 12.36 12.95 13.5313.1012.3612.7613.00
First round 4 11.51 12.67 13.1212.6912.2113.2011.51
China Championship 2017 Second round 166 12.43 13.90 17.2314.9113.5312.4313.27
First round 161 11.90 13.86 11.9016.6412.4112.5318.77
XJTU Open 2016 Final 10 11.83 12.72 13.3813.0612.1111.8313.00
Second round 6 11.49 11.82 12.1811.4911.6913.2611.60
First round 26 14.45 15.54 14.4517.6915.5816.4314.60
Chongqing Open 2016 Second round 46 14.77 16.64 14.9220.7214.7717.1017.91
First round 31 12.03 14.48 15.7512.0312.57DNF15.12
Taiyuan Open 2016 Final 6 9.56 13.27 13.9213.6019.199.5612.29
Second round 7 12.00 13.34 12.0013.9314.4413.8912.21
First round 12 11.99 14.72 15.7411.9913.1617.3715.27
Xi'an Cherry Blossom 2016 Second round 48 15.67 16.72 18.8515.6717.7316.3616.06
First round 46 15.73 16.63 15.7317.9421.5016.0515.90
Xi'an New Year 2016 First round 19 12.65 14.86 21.9512.6514.0013.7016.89
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