Joshua Dawes

Completed Solves
United States 2016DAWE01 Male 3 60

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 10274 13677 53541 14.52 18.35 59244 15050 11258
2x2x2 Cube 13534 17725 62704 5.04 6.61 53024 14983 11446
4x4x4 Cube 4508 6156 24034 58.08 1:11.35 26959 7068 5208
5x5x5 Cube 4232 5665 20407 2:17.27
Pyraminx 6086 7828 28890 6.85 12.11 42009 11755 9161
3x3x3 Cube
3rd Coast Cubing 2019 Second round 34 14.52 18.35 19.3114.5219.9417.8517.88
First round 38 17.49 19.56 18.1120.1620.4217.49DNF
CubingUSA Great Lakes Championship 2019 Second round 88 16.59 21.13 21.0516.5926.6521.4820.85
First round 92 18.65 20.27 26.9718.6618.6520.7821.38
Petoskey Cubing 2016 First round 32 29.01 29.93 30.1230.0629.0129.6236.72
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