Kacper Dworak

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Poland 2016DWOR01 Male 2 58

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2565 24469 100140 20.96 22.71 85213 20808 2233
2x2x2 Cube 1890 17066 59634 4.95 6.51 50243 14213 1658
4x4x4 Cube 1568 13980 48400 1:37.06
5x5x5 Cube 996 8890 27912 3:12.97
3x3x3 One-Handed 997 9656 36818 36.21 45.54 36435 9484 850
Megaminx 517 4245 13907 2:08.18
Pyraminx 896 6723 19622 5.83 8.13 14969 5057 744
Skewb 1255 9971 30828 9.38 12.80 27017 8720 1134
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Santa Claus Cube Race 2016 Second round 111 20.96 22.71 24.1022.4820.9629.1421.55
First round 116 23.40 25.62 26.0426.5824.2523.4042.06
Tuwim Cube Race 2016 First round 52 25.63 34.15 39.2525.6334.0538.2230.19
2x2x2 Cube
Tuwim Cube Race 2016 First round 39 4.95 6.51 6.287.794.957.156.09
4x4x4 Cube
Santa Claus Cube Race 2016 First round 84 1:37.06 1:37.062:01.96
Tuwim Cube Race 2016 First round 42 2:17.74 4:19.282:17.74
5x5x5 Cube
Santa Claus Cube Race 2016 First round 62 3:12.97 3:12.974:26.27
3x3x3 One-Handed
Santa Claus Cube Race 2016 First round 67 36.21 45.54 38.9349.1951.8436.2148.50
Santa Claus Cube Race 2016 First round 31 2:08.18 2:19.032:08.18
Santa Claus Cube Race 2016 Second round 45 5.83 8.13 5.8312.059.906.398.09
First round 38 6.05 8.29 6.056.779.759.208.90
Tuwim Cube Race 2016 First round 25 6.41 9.58 10.186.418.7910.929.77
Santa Claus Cube Race 2016 First round 59 9.38 12.80 11.9314.0514.539.3812.43
Tuwim Cube Race 2016 First round 27 11.82 17.77 21.5115.9311.8220.2417.13
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