Cho Yoon Hyung

Completed Solves
Republic of Korea 2016HYUN01 Male 4 68

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 701 12930 35248 12.37 15.47 39052 14611 779
2x2x2 Cube 581 10956 38944 3.88 5.29 30045 8877 511
4x4x4 Cube 301 5184 14675 47.59 52.05 12564 4467 272
5x5x5 Cube 347 5392 17702 2:04.24 2:25.53 17850 5340 371
Pyraminx 246 6366 23812 6.27 8.35 16598 4765 205
3x3x3 Cube
Cubedu Korea 2018 Second round 60 13.25 15.47 16.5614.2813.2516.1715.97
First round 64 14.54 16.60 16.9115.6528.6614.5417.25
CWR Fall 2017 First round 50 15.01 16.03 15.0116.4716.1417.1715.49
Korean Championship 2016 First round 84 12.37 17.62 12.3720.6219.5416.7116.61
Cube Is Good 2016 First round 73 17.20 19.26 19.4220.4623.7317.2017.89
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