Edward Joute

Completed Solves
India 2016JOUT01 Male 3 120

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 811 7123 19809 10.43 11.41 12661 4629 470
2x2x2 Cube 885 5208 19824 2.89 4.27 14579 4109 634
4x4x4 Cube 827 7686 22394 56.09 1:02.86 21326 7349 791
3x3x3 Blindfolded 229 1768 5368 3:00.71
3x3x3 One-Handed 41 310 1028 11.11 20.23 6464 2432 311
Pyraminx 4618 21096 79674 12.79 17.06 74263 19873 4182

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 2 1
3x3x3 Cube
Cubers East India Open 2017 Final 8 11.75 12.87 12.4528.4313.5411.7512.62
Second round 5 10.78 11.41 12.9911.1811.6311.4310.78
First round 6 10.53 12.00 40.0112.3510.5311.2312.42
CEIC Masterda Open 2016 Final 4 12.38 14.21 12.6913.7216.2218.5812.38
Second round 3 10.43 12.90 10.4314.3413.3214.5311.03
First round 3 11.95 13.86 13.8214.8213.3714.3911.95
Cubers East India Open 2016 Final 2 11.06 13.76 13.3811.0613.7918.6814.11
First round 2 12.39 13.96 12.7216.6612.3914.5414.61
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