Lars Kadel

Completed Solves
Germany 2016KADE01 Male 6 163

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1238 17657 72008 16.78 21.36 78993 19273 1356
2x2x2 Cube 1117 18563 65464 5.17 8.09 75833 21040 1296
4x4x4 Cube 736 9235 32679 1:09.16 1:26.76 35120 9926 834
5x5x5 Cube 924 10552 32664 4:16.01
3x3x3 One-Handed 775 11104 42245 40.91 49.00 39643 10306 734
Pyraminx 561 9627 29036 6.86 14.19 56907 17658 946
Skewb 885 16835 53248 17.46 35.76 57970 18313 948
Square-1 418 6735 19919 1:18.20
3x3x3 Cube
Berlin Kubus Projekt 2017 First round 62 23.63 29.79 24.6723.6354.1632.6232.07
Monnem City Cubing 2017 Second round 64 16.78 21.70 22.1216.7822.2824.9920.69
First round 64 17.96 21.36 26.9422.2020.9517.9620.93
Hessen Open 2017 Second round 62 19.24 21.67 21.3719.2421.6423.8622.00
First round 59 20.05 21.92 20.9422.0324.1322.7820.05
Hamburg Open 2017 Second round 46 18.43 21.42 18.4320.8823.2122.2621.12
First round 57 21.83 25.54 22.8721.8327.8725.8728.27
German Nationals 2016 First round 96 20.94 24.36 26.3352.3822.5720.9424.18
Hessen Open 2016 First round 70 24.82 28.83 31.1431.2724.8227.5527.80
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