Sheikh Mustafa Kamal

Completed Solves
India 2016KAMA01 Male 4 216

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1134 9644 26579 11.33 14.94 35288 13214 1562
2x2x2 Cube 2377 14234 49345 4.37 5.21 28774 8479 1301
4x4x4 Cube 906 8239 24291 58.27 1:07.93 24890 8379 944
5x5x5 Cube 796 7081 24947 2:43.18 3:00.30 20640 6063 709
6x6x6 Cube 411 3365 13921 7:24.18
3x3x3 Blindfolded 262 1976 5968 3:20.76
3x3x3 One-Handed 496 3654 9944 18.54 27.90 17168 6574 870
Megaminx 219 2028 7358 1:27.53 1:40.61 7663 2094 224
Pyraminx 163 921 3602 2.97 6.82 9369 2707 421
Skewb 664 4262 16590 6.19 9.24 15227 4162 588
Square-1 254 2086 9207 27.05 32.32 7628 1767 204

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 2 4
3x3x3 Cube
City of Joy Open 2018 Second round 21 14.06 17.25 21.2916.4615.9119.3714.06
First round 12 12.44 14.94 17.8515.5912.4415.3513.87
Cubers East India Open 2017 Second round 13 13.05 15.73 16.7813.0516.7115.0015.47
First round 12 11.33 16.20 14.0219.4211.3317.8716.71
CEIC Masterda Open 2016 Second round 12 13.77 16.72 17.1617.7913.7715.2018.04
First round 10 13.84 17.31 33.2316.4513.8417.1618.31
Cubers East India Open 2016 First round 33 18.73 29.33 34.4529.8418.73DNF23.71
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