Antoni Krzywdziński

Completed Solves
Poland 2016KRZY01 Male 6 82

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2675 25626 105040 21.35 26.07 106276 25865 2709
2x2x2 Cube 2343 21473 76820 5.77 6.86 57328 16129 1845
3x3x3 One-Handed 1751 16571 60553 1:29.76
Pyraminx 1622 12821 40036 8.05 10.53 30433 9932 1318
Skewb 1592 13184 41334 12.06 28.25 54889 17364 1956
3x3x3 Cube
September Speedcubing Tour Warszawa 2021 First round 87 21.35 26.07 26.5032.3826.2825.4321.35
Polish Championship 2016 First round 193 43.39 51.51 50.2243.3951.6252.701:02.55
Gdańsk Rubik's Cube Day 2016 First round 33 41.32 44.82 46.3843.9941.3244.0955.61
WLS Jesień 2016 First round 53 40.84 44.50 45.1340.8441.3049.7547.06
GLS Cup V 2016 First round 59 38.60 45.89 1:03.0845.1741.8050.7038.60
European Rubik's Cube Championship 2016 First round 482 44.65 54.45 1:02.0055.7944.6554.6552.90
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