Huan Luo (罗桓)

Completed Solves
China 2016LUOH02 Male 7 207

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 892 2746 7995 8.48 11.58 13495 4944 1642
2x2x2 Cube 1910 6337 23654 3.10 5.34 30855 9140 2900
4x4x4 Cube 1110 3164 8988 41.39 47.23 8664 3092 1073
5x5x5 Cube 878 2698 8251 1:28.01 1:34.76 7491 2482 812
6x6x6 Cube 736 2129 7478 3:27.70 3:41.68 7169 2043 715
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 343 1072 4181 38 39.67 2253 564 196
3x3x3 One-Handed 444 1317 3830 14.27 18.63 4600 1705 595
Clock 795 2606 10928 14.60 22.25 13398 3076 951
Megaminx 816 2501 9133 1:37.04 1:52.58 9642 2621 851
Skewb 35 120 593 1.93 3.61 578 147 61

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 2 0

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Shanghai Spring 2017 Final 10 11.12 11.58 11.1211.6911.3111.7513.61
First round 14 8.48 12.11 13.1112.84DNF10.378.48
Hangzhou Autumn 2016 Second round 21 10.04 12.95 13.7910.6114.8814.4410.04
First round 14 10.21 11.84 10.2114.4112.1512.7410.64
Shanghai Winter is Coming 2016 Second round 17 11.09 12.60 12.4822.1112.6412.6711.09
First round 25 10.92 14.16 11.8821.8114.8515.7610.92
Asian Championship 2016 Semi Final 82 10.32 12.27 11.1810.3214.2213.9711.66
Second round 87 9.89 12.28 12.9612.1411.9612.749.89
First round 77 10.30 12.04 11.1813.1710.3012.5912.36

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
1.93 Shanghai Love In ECNU 2017 First round
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