Haruyuki Miyoshi

Completed Solves
United States 2016MIYO01 Male 5 39

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 29406 38823 141795 27.88 32.77 137356 37651 28499
2x2x2 Cube 15849 20767 73140 5.57 9.60 93381 26722 20385
3x3x3 Cube
Nisei Week 2016 First round 107 32.76 34.72 38.5535.9434.2433.9832.76
SoCal Supercomp 2016 First round 88 30.48 35.54 30.4839.3933.3433.8946.49
TFTI San Diego 2016 First round 71 27.88 32.77 36.3632.1827.88DNF29.78
St. Francis II: GYM 2016 First round 91 31.17 34.76 35.7436.7334.6231.1733.91
Newport Spring 2016 First round 114 38.46 44.97 38.4654.1651.2743.1140.53
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