Nathan Keraval

Completed Solves
France 2016NATH04 Male 7 314

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 81 955 3248 7.18 10.72 9381 2489 192
2x2x2 Cube 382 6709 21079 2.95 3.44 6279 2098 127
4x4x4 Cube 184 2419 8336 40.55 47.21 8749 2476 188
5x5x5 Cube 106 1508 5094 1:16.56 1:27.75 5744 1686 120
6x6x6 Cube 117 1771 5871 3:04.16 3:08.85 5260 1582 107
7x7x7 Cube 92 1299 4369 4:26.55 4:36.17 4058 1220 90
3x3x3 Blindfolded 187 1829 5592 3:07.15
3x3x3 One-Handed 417 5491 21154 24.83 28.88 18602 4774 371
Megaminx 68 862 2782 1:01.12 1:08.23 2672 842 64
Pyraminx 386 7140 20988 5.91 8.88 19812 6588 354
Square-1 69 1051 3174 14.60 20.37 3322 1084 72
3x3x3 Cube
Sézanne Open 2023 Final 16 7.18 10.99 12.117.1811.6611.2710.04
Second round 21 8.61 11.02 9.4713.1010.4817.448.61
First round 24 10.14 12.08 12.2514.9910.4110.1413.57
French Championship 2023 First round 109 10.45 12.88 13.7813.3710.4514.3811.49
Dontrien Open 2023 Final 11 9.98 10.89 11.519.9810.5810.5912.29
Second round 19 11.25 12.71 11.2512.1812.7713.1713.57
First round 14 10.58 11.41 10.6011.6711.9610.58DNF
Champagne Open 2022 Second round 23 9.20 11.54 12.0512.0414.399.2010.52
First round 16 9.98 10.72 10.5710.8210.7718.399.98
Nancy Open 2017 Second round 34 10.94 13.76 14.0614.8710.9412.36DNF
First round 37 11.47 14.08 13.8711.4713.80DNF14.57
French Championship 2017 Second round 38 12.13 14.18 14.0814.8617.3913.5912.13
First round 28 10.92 13.03 13.0611.9110.9214.1316.05
Nancy Open 2016 Second round 24 14.38 14.93 15.0614.3815.2214.5116.54
First round 23 11.53 15.06 17.5317.9115.0211.5312.62
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