Daniel Parra

Completed Solves
Venezuela 2016PARR04 Male 9 198

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 127 3044 39009 12.78 15.73 41137 3200 125
2x2x2 Cube 101 3100 39789 3.91 5.46 33072 2363 85
4x4x4 Cube 84 2236 28886 1:04.07 1:06.16 23705 1856 67
5x5x5 Cube 34 969 13971 1:48.25 2:02.03 14168 965 31
3x3x3 One-Handed 61 1532 19388 23.86 33.94 25382 2055 82
Clock 43 1334 23692 54.59
Pyraminx 134 3304 45296 8.57 15.12 63267 4501 182

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 1
3x3x3 Cube
Reencuentro Mérida 2018 First round 17 18.38 23.80 24.3122.5524.5418.3832.90
Piedemonte 2017 First round 8 12.78 15.73 14.3112.7816.0317.8716.85
SSSA Rubik 2017 Second round 12 15.24 16.93 20.3318.5216.9215.3415.24
First round 13 15.50 23.60 18.0823.7129.0115.50DNF
Venezuela Nationals 2016 Second round 21 14.85 18.20 26.0619.4516.2614.8518.89
First round 24 15.60 19.44 22.3920.1818.3919.7615.60
Hi-Tech Rodeo Plaza 2016 Second round 12 14.68 17.17 19.1026.1115.3014.6817.10
First round 6 15.34 16.58 20.5917.5415.3416.3815.82
Mérida Summer 2016 Second round 16 18.15 25.14 28.6919.1718.15DNF27.55
First round 15 17.59 19.39 19.7520.3818.0325.4617.59
Andes Open 2016 Final 7 18.03 22.98 18.0327.3122.5824.5021.87
Second round 6 17.63 18.59 17.8625.4819.2617.6318.64
First round 8 17.90 23.65 25.8026.7517.9027.3918.40
ULA Rubiks 2016 First round 26 23.55 24.83 30.9925.4124.0725.0123.55
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