Hector Pinedo

Completed Solves
Peru 2016PINE05 Male 6 255

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 371 1695 22607 10.81 12.94 21535 1572 359
2x2x2 Cube 89 432 6170 1.93 3.87 10008 684 148
4x4x4 Cube 236 1126 14931 47.80 52.37 12856 963 216
3x3x3 One-Handed 224 934 12153 19.81 26.43 14969 1155 274
Megaminx 135 587 5882 1:19.61 1:33.72 6554 654 157
Pyraminx 241 1388 19464 5.73 8.30 16398 1135 214

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 4
3x3x3 Cube
Iquitos Cuber 2019 Final 6 12.44 14.85 14.0417.1614.6715.8312.44
Second round 8 13.54 15.32 15.8914.5413.5417.2415.53
First round 6 13.19 15.61 22.5514.3613.9718.5013.19
Iquitos Cubing 2018 Final 7 12.37 13.74 12.3713.0914.4814.4113.71
Second round 4 11.61 12.94 15.0711.6113.0812.2713.46
First round 8 11.43 15.24 18.1913.6615.1616.9111.43
Pucallpa 2018 Second round 14 12.83 15.85 17.5115.4612.8315.5716.52
First round 13 12.56 14.90 14.8812.5614.2515.5622.94
Iqui Open 2018 Final 6 14.42 15.34 15.0016.2814.7317.9814.42
Second round 4 11.25 14.26 14.1716.6411.2513.6414.96
First round 6 12.45 15.36 16.8014.8512.4514.4317.84
RubIquitos 2017 Final 7 10.81 17.21 18.0217.8110.8115.7920.80
Second round 5 13.09 16.51 17.3213.0918.7213.8018.41
First round 8 15.10 17.21 17.05DNF17.5917.0015.10
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