Caleb Rehnquist

Completed Solves
United States 2016REHN01 Male 5 90

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 7459 9910 39031 12.80 14.74 33784 8531 6423
2x2x2 Cube 8877 11653 41620 4.01 5.67 36655 10252 7851
3x3x3 One-Handed 5453 7459 29809 30.29 36.69 28618 7135 5220
Pyraminx 4147 5349 20307 5.85 7.65 12891 3214 2498
Skewb 4407 5625 19393 6.77 8.74 13470 3696 2860
3x3x3 Cube
CubingUSA Nationals 2017 First round 411 12.99 18.22 16.3018.9512.9919.4719.41
Dixon Spring 2017 Second round 30 12.80 16.10 12.8016.7517.9417.0514.50
First round 23 13.55 14.74 14.7513.5513.7320.4015.75
Michigan Cubing Club Beta 2017 Second round 29 16.05 17.20 17.4618.1416.1216.0518.01
First round 21 13.98 16.78 13.9815.0816.2519.8519.01
Summit City Open 2016 First round 38 16.97 22.20 23.0121.8123.4016.9721.77
Clock N' Other Stuff 2016 First round 35 20.30 21.71 27.1420.6622.1622.3220.30
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