Dylan Rosado

Completed Solves
United States 2016ROSA05 Male 5 102

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 11254 14982 58558 15.10 16.11 43657 11008 8246
2x2x2 Cube 4999 6570 23457 3.09 5.43 32418 9073 6971
4x4x4 Cube 6514 8794 33472 1:10.23 1:22.62 33245 8971 6722
5x5x5 Cube 3166 4248 15648 1:55.11 1:57.65 13204 3561 2655
Pyraminx 2789 3593 13953 4.99 10.06 27265 7291 5653
Skewb 12542 15788 48724 14.87 18.47 42735 13719 10892
3x3x3 Cube
Cubing Knights 2017 Second round 33 16.02 18.80 22.5716.0220.1819.9616.27
First round 35 15.95 18.98 15.9518.6820.6317.6420.92
Florida Cubing Spring Qualifier 2017 Second round 21 16.07 17.32 18.4516.0717.1820.0816.34
First round 19 15.34 16.11 15.7315.7821.7016.8115.34
For The Love Of Cubing 2017 First round 24 15.10 18.26 15.1016.2923.14DNF15.36
Central Florida Summer 2016 First round 31 21.84 26.30 30.7724.4425.9228.5321.84
Spring Scramble 2016 First round 42 26.84 28.46 26.8439.7329.1827.9128.29
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