Pierre Sarre

Completed Solves
France 2016SARR01 Male 3 78

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 532 7623 29797 11.70 14.50 32176 8110 573
2x2x2 Cube 993 17338 60659 4.91 7.23 63666 17854 1036
4x4x4 Cube 1230 18712 63171 2:14.00
3x3x3 One-Handed 645 9059 34631 33.64 41.00 33528 8687 632
Pyraminx 1675 31584 108041 25.05
Skewb 560 11252 35041 10.21 13.83 31145 9980 506
3x3x3 Cube
Nancy Open 2017 Second round 41 11.70 14.50 14.0711.7013.9415.4815.86
First round 40 12.08 14.72 12.0814.6315.3514.1818.35
Nancy Open 2016 Second round 26 13.76 15.21 15.6314.7313.7615.2816.89
First round 29 14.96 16.47 14.9616.8618.1715.5317.02
Strasbourg Open 2016 Second round 27 22.82 25.38 25.2326.5228.1424.4022.82
First round 29 24.50 26.65 36.9324.5029.1325.5325.28
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