Cristóbal Soto

Completed Solves
Chile 2016SOTO09 Male 4 33

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1278 13833 152545 30.21 32.87 137990 12245 1139
2x2x2 Cube 1087 12318 143036 13.98
Pyraminx 511 5634 75675 12.18 17.22 75008 5426 474
3x3x3 Cube
Latin America Cubing Tour - Santiago 2017 First round 145 30.21 32.87 35.2330.2132.6030.7837.59
Rubik Soletta Santiago 2017 First round 106 31.06 35.42 38.5131.0631.2646.7936.49
IN OPEN 2.0 2017 First round 99 31.47 36.93 37.4148.7131.4736.1737.21
CAVA Open 2016 First round 50 40.15 48.13 46.8740.1547.9451.6949.58
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