Arnaud Soyez

Completed Solves
France 2016SOYE01 Male 10 147

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2016 32513 134025 26.24 31.55 132742 32211 2005
2x2x2 Cube 1056 18191 64151 5.09 7.65 69885 19457 1120
4x4x4 Cube 1074 16185 55564 1:50.63
3x3x3 One-Handed 876 12630 47432 47.53 1:04.07 45460 11960 839
Megaminx 579 8764 26587 4:12.43
Pyraminx 1027 19652 63768 10.60 21.25 90074 26743 1397
Skewb 703 14234 44796 13.20 20.79 47101 14858 729
Square-1 261 4358 13197 37.30 57.03 13792 4477 265
3x3x3 Cube
Pays de Bray Open 2023 First round 66 30.09 34.48 32.7131.261:01.6439.4730.09
CubingUSA Great Lakes Championship 2022 First round 151 28.01 33.60 34.1733.1628.0136.7733.46
Michigan Cubing Club Beta 2018 First round 89 30.10 31.55 32.5631.5830.5038.7830.10
Michigan Cubing Club Alpha 2018 First round 71 26.24 35.75 41.3333.3338.1726.2435.76
Petoskey Cubing 2017 First round 22 31.79 37.56 44.3940.3131.7939.2533.12
Michigan Cubing Club Gamma 2017 First round 81 32.68 42.48 38.4748.0847.4441.5332.68
Michigan Cubing Club Beta 2017 First round 85 38.35 46.12 46.4945.9538.351:06.0345.92
Michigan Cubing Club Gamma 2016 First round 73 38.42 42.50 55.5146.1341.9839.4038.42
Michigan 2016 First round 185 1:13.07 1:22.51 1:49.661:29.141:13.071:17.861:20.54
Petoskey Cubing 2016 First round 51 1:34.72 2:35.08 2:45.332:47.173:14.931:34.722:12.73
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