Huỳnh Lê Thanh Tú

Completed Solves
Vietnam 2016TUHU01 Male 3 92

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 515 8607 23773 10.98 12.95 21536 8038 508
2x2x2 Cube 164 4367 16785 2.72 4.79 21866 6337 297
4x4x4 Cube 168 3154 8962 41.36 46.40 8065 2862 157
5x5x5 Cube 76 1475 4316 1:13.67 1:27.04 5509 1869 104
6x6x6 Cube 87 1941 6685 3:16.35 3:33.75 6763 1943 92
7x7x7 Cube 90 2224 7794 6:03.88
3x3x3 One-Handed 254 4974 13411 20.54 23.09 10090 3858 212
3x3x3 Cube
Ho Chi Minh Open 2018 Second round 25 12.77 13.62 14.0613.3812.7714.3313.41
First round 20 11.46 13.19 14.3912.8014.3311.4612.44
Ho Chi Minh Warm Up 2017 First round 12 10.98 12.95 10.9811.4614.0713.3115.80
HCMC Spring Open 2016 Final 8 12.48 13.28 12.4813.7113.0613.0614.97
First round 13 12.92 15.22 12.9216.2415.3020.1714.13
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