Chris Tyler

Completed Solves
United States 2016TYLE02 Male 6 134

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5602 7408 29015 11.62 13.97 28425 7198 5428
2x2x2 Cube 2811 3642 13209 2.49 5.36 31320 8774 6743
4x4x4 Cube 7377 9932 37385 1:15.70 1:29.39 36213 9849 7425
3x3x3 One-Handed 5012 6841 27598 28.80 36.44 28383 7078 5180
Megaminx 2588 3564 12475 1:56.42 2:08.77 11688 3389 2464
Pyraminx 8548 10996 39269 7.95 14.47 58935 16970 13222
3x3x3 Cube
Sunny Showdown 2018 Second round 10 12.45 13.97 12.4516.0315.4412.9013.56
First round 15 11.67 16.55 13.12DNF20.2916.2411.67
Florida Feast 2017 First round 19 11.87 14.49 16.2812.8317.7514.3611.87
Cubing Knights 2017 Second round 23 11.62 15.66 11.6215.2914.8316.8517.22
First round 22 12.14 15.48 12.2516.4417.7612.1419.60
Florida Cubing Spring Qualifier 2017 Second round 24 14.30 18.89 21.2518.1017.3123.6214.30
First round 18 14.20 16.09 17.6116.5716.9214.7714.20
For The Love Of Cubing 2017 First round 22 15.24 17.50 18.5516.1317.8118.9615.24
Cubing Knights 2016 First round 52 27.11 30.88 29.4435.2327.1131.2331.97
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