Felix Eduardo Ulco Villoslado

Completed Solves
Peru 2016VILL09 Male 5 166

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 394 1790 23705 10.96 12.35 17933 1257 285
2x2x2 Cube 344 1703 22225 3.02 5.26 29681 2120 439
4x4x4 Cube 268 1281 16875 49.85 56.70 16566 1244 264
5x5x5 Cube 217 1247 17524 2:03.33 2:18.32 16954 1210 193
3x3x3 One-Handed 211 859 11261 19.28 25.83 14111 1084 259
Megaminx 211 955 9664 1:39.65 1:47.16 8816 866 199
Pyraminx 852 5743 76916 12.33 13.27 50869 3544 566
Skewb 105 682 9938 4.80 9.13 14838 984 153
3x3x3 Cube
Peru Nationals 2019 Semi Final 29 11.51 12.35 11.5114.2711.6113.8111.63
Second round 38 11.29 13.00 13.1612.8712.9611.2921.98
First round 47 12.90 13.86 14.5114.1812.9014.1013.29
Crazy Cubes Open 2017 Final 4 11.63 13.22 15.3313.8612.2013.6011.63
Second round 10 11.42 15.44 18.28DNF11.6516.3811.42
First round 6 10.96 14.53 19.8115.1914.1514.2610.96
Crazy Cubes Summer 2017 Final 8 13.68 15.89 19.0415.2214.6413.6817.80
Second round 6 14.18 15.13 14.1814.5919.3316.3414.45
First round 7 12.55 14.71 17.8513.8212.5512.8717.43
Crazy Cubes Summer 2016 Second round 13 18.43 20.12 19.9521.7321.4718.9318.43
First round 13 15.46 19.82 23.5223.9719.3516.5815.46
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