Nathan Weiss

Completed Solves
Canada 2016WEIS04 Male 11 298

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 269 1962 7369 8.35 10.26 7346 1940 263
2x2x2 Cube 1109 8526 30556 3.46 4.02 11570 3234 445
4x4x4 Cube 119 1021 4173 35.13 37.99 2843 700 85
5x5x5 Cube 222 1864 7208 1:24.35 1:35.96 7810 2054 235
3x3x3 Blindfolded 110 850 3805 2:13.65
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 123 1151 5316 41
3x3x3 One-Handed 202 1566 6435 16.29 17.48 3418 836 104
Clock 284 3224 10633 14.30 17.75 10655 3280 285
Megaminx 285 2704 9717 1:40.15 1:46.40 8654 2370 252
Pyraminx 1303 10298 37004 7.72 9.51 23556 6192 773
Skewb 803 6813 23118 7.53 9.89 17484 4961 597
Square-1 180 1681 5091 18.52 24.01 4583 1500 157

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 1
3x3x3 Cube
Cubing Above the Dinosaurs 2024 First round 16 9.50 10.59 11.2410.2010.7610.829.50
Cubing Above the Dinosaurs 2023 Second round 14 9.66 11.49 10.239.6610.8014.0613.45
First round 7 8.35 10.26 8.3511.539.5212.369.74
Rockies Rager Fall 2022 Second round 13 9.39 11.31 11.9411.6211.409.3910.91
First round 8 9.68 11.04 9.6816.0010.9311.4110.77
Foothills Final Fight 2019 Final 16 11.38 13.79 14.3414.2413.3713.7711.38
3x3 Only Calgary 2019 Second round 9 8.55 11.55 11.4312.4111.848.5511.39
First round 8 10.44 12.09 10.4410.8311.2815.4614.17
Foothills Fright 2018 Final 12 13.29 13.88 13.3014.5116.0213.8213.29
Second round 11 10.70 12.75 13.7214.4912.4612.0810.70
First round 15 12.59 13.56 13.3212.7012.5916.4814.66
Canada's Best in the West 2018 Semi Final 27 12.83 14.92 15.1114.3012.8315.6115.36
Second round 25 11.43 13.81 11.4314.5213.7113.2124.54
First round 25 11.15 14.27 11.1513.3816.0413.3916.80
Foothills Fall 2017 Second round 23 15.85 17.62 18.0715.8516.7118.0719.22
First round 23 12.78 17.01 17.9717.4715.8217.7512.78
Canadian Open 2017 First round 95 25.84 29.06 32.5625.8430.3026.4930.40
Calgary Open Spring 2016 First round 99 32.82 38.66 37.9741.6032.8236.4043.77
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