William Yu

Completed Solves
United States 2016YUWI01 Male 8 178

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5701 7548 29619 11.69 13.01 21934 5558 4239
2x2x2 Cube 8579 11266 40369 3.94 4.62 19411 5457 4203
4x4x4 Cube 2965 4067 16578 49.54 54.92 15008 3685 2686
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 951 1234 5717 42
3x3x3 One-Handed 5845 7966 31569 31.44 37.07 29101 7272 5320
Megaminx 3592 4972 17001 2:26.12 2:31.14 13755 4095 2986
Pyraminx 15033 19297 66597 10.95 14.67 60231 17380 13546
Skewb 5419 6879 23280 7.55 11.02 21595 6305 4944
3x3x3 Cube
Eugene Spring 2018 Second round 16 12.77 13.39 14.1113.0316.8812.7713.02
First round 16 12.12 14.27 15.3015.5712.1214.4513.07
Oregon State 2018 Second round 17 14.59 14.84 14.8314.5915.4814.6915.00
First round 11 12.34 14.00 15.5212.3413.2613.5915.15
PDX Cubing for Causes 2018 Second round 22 12.76 14.04 12.7614.1114.8114.1213.90
First round 14 11.69 13.01 16.3114.4511.7612.8311.69
Rose City 2017 Second round 22 13.24 15.30 16.1113.2414.0715.7616.08
First round 20 13.17 14.58 13.9015.0514.8013.1715.67
Eugene 3x3 Mania 2017 Second round 18 15.07 16.42 18.3117.8915.0715.6515.72
First round 21 13.11 16.98 16.9013.1116.3620.3917.68
Keep Portland Weird 2017 Second round 30 13.99 18.66 20.4619.3216.7419.9213.99
First round 30 15.86 17.20 15.8617.7119.8717.1816.71
Eugene 2016 Second round 20 16.55 18.11 16.5517.1020.2018.4318.79
First round 25 16.98 20.75 18.8420.0316.9823.3923.89
PDX Cubing for Dougy 2016 First round 33 19.16 23.64 27.2125.7620.0319.1625.12
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