Farid Ahmad

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2017AHMA01 Male 6 207

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 845 16916 45941 13.61 17.19 51395 19101 946
2x2x2 Cube 683 12030 42467 4.05 5.33 30694 9091 449
4x4x4 Cube 504 9446 28070 1:03.13 1:17.67 30687 9929 570
5x5x5 Cube 508 8076 30367 3:33.12
3x3x3 One-Handed 305 5870 15801 21.86 28.64 18157 6935 358
Megaminx 172 3509 13514 2:03.09 2:21.70 12927 3349 167
Pyraminx 505 8733 33056 7.30 11.43 36935 10080 577
Skewb 107 1823 7118 4.17 6.52 6290 1746 88
Square-1 23 539 2568 13.30 16.18 1889 434 19

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
3 2 1
3x3x3 Cube
Madiun Happy Cubing 2018 First round 17 15.17 18.32 18.8417.9120.4018.2215.17
Pecel Cube Weekend 2018 Second round 10 13.61 17.19 17.4519.7313.6119.2614.85
First round 11 16.80 20.10 19.2516.80DNF20.5320.52
Jawa Timur Open 2017 First round 21 14.62 17.72 16.7720.1314.6217.4918.91
Malang Kuy 2017 Second round 15 17.10 17.61 17.1017.2917.7221.5517.83
First round 15 16.07 18.50 20.7220.3516.0718.4016.74
Blitar Cube Fasting 2017 First round 26 18.42 20.08 21.7320.2118.4221.2718.75
Madiun Happy Cubing 2017 First round 32 20.96 24.00 24.8822.2229.7824.8920.96
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