Emmanuel Arias

Completed Solves
Ecuador 2017ARIA02 Male 5 147

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 85 1689 22560 10.81 13.07 22313 1625 80
2x2x2 Cube 53 1248 16818 2.72 3.42 6091 393 12
3x3x3 One-Handed 17 541 7007 16.67 22.61 9453 703 31
Pyraminx 36 780 10988 4.53 7.08 10375 705 39

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 1
3x3x3 Cube
Ecuador Asciende 2018 Final 10 12.76 13.62 13.7918.3013.3212.7613.75
Second round 7 13.25 13.55 13.2513.2518.4513.7613.63
First round 14 14.05 15.53 17.6415.1015.8714.0515.63
Ibarra Open 2018 Second round 19 14.40 15.38 16.5115.1914.4317.2014.40
First round 17 13.43 15.20 17.6913.7919.0413.4314.12
Tabacundo Open 2018 Second round 18 13.86 14.60 13.8615.3217.2114.6113.86
First round 8 10.81 13.07 13.3513.4310.8112.4315.23
Ecuador Nationals 2018 Semi Final 27 11.96 16.23 20.0814.2711.9617.1617.25
Second round 22 14.09 15.52 17.7614.0914.7417.1114.71
First round 24 12.93 15.73 17.6719.4713.8115.7012.93
First Ecuador Open 2017 First round 55 24.07 30.69 24.0729.0430.2732.76DNF
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