Sofiya Bondarenko

Completed Solves
Ukraine 2017BOND07 Female 11 532

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 145 3815 14329 9.63 11.84 14918 3888 152
2x2x2 Cube 177 5961 18305 2.81 3.37 5697 1922 60
4x4x4 Cube 86 2196 7581 39.76 49.88 10733 3040 121
5x5x5 Cube 53 1554 5263 1:17.43 1:34.50 7387 2162 87
6x6x6 Cube 51 1510 5021 2:53.53 3:06.62 5035 1510 51
7x7x7 Cube 57 1521 5054 4:45.17 4:56.89 4753 1437 52
3x3x3 Blindfolded 127 2669 8124 4:52.08
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 124 2559 6465 44
3x3x3 One-Handed 250 5759 22207 25.55 38.02 30114 7778 348
Clock 129 3721 10492 14.20 16.89 9974 3542 117
Megaminx 15 305 932 46.86 52.45 884 282 14
Pyraminx 124 2952 8267 4.04 5.48 4891 1685 77
Skewb 84 2392 6813 4.11 6.41 5965 2036 73
Square-1 54 1450 4403 17.20 25.93 5300 1719 64

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 2 3
3x3x3 Cube
MPEI Open 2019 First round 88 12.21 14.42 14.4412.2114.3314.4816.13
Tambov Autumn 2019 Final 7 11.75 14.20 12.0411.7519.0416.2914.27
Second round 6 9.63 11.84 9.6312.5418.5110.7712.20
First round 7 12.10 15.06 18.1712.1014.4016.4714.32
Belgorod Open 2019 Second round 15 12.90 13.34 13.9013.7712.9012.9113.35
First round 18 13.19 14.63 15.9414.0316.9013.9213.19
Kursk Open 2019 Second round 25 12.60 15.94 17.0115.7116.7012.6015.41
First round 20 12.72 14.54 14.7514.8414.7014.1612.72
Voronezh Open 2019 Second round 19 13.19 16.47 16.6916.5217.6213.1916.21
First round 17 12.84 15.47 16.0515.4117.0014.9612.84
Belgorod Open 2018 Second round 26 13.19 17.56 13.1923.2118.7814.6919.21
First round 25 13.08 15.85 17.1613.5816.8018.2213.08
Kursk Open 2018 Second round 13 14.76 17.10 20.4116.6417.2217.4414.76
First round 17 16.30 19.45 19.7919.1122.4519.4516.30
White City Cubing 2018 Second round 32 11.70 17.70 18.2619.8320.9911.7015.01
First round 32 14.52 17.53 19.0314.5215.5118.0523.61
Belgorod Open 2017 Second round 42 21.37 24.38 26.1821.3728.5923.4023.56
First round 45 19.97 25.70 20.2429.4827.3819.9731.05
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