Jaime Alberola Canet

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Spain 2017CANE01 Male 2 64

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1596 25346 103770 21.46 28.01 113996 27799 1765
2x2x2 Cube 688 10339 33588 3.65 7.13 60516 17019 1114
3x3x3 One-Handed 1018 16186 58952 1:25.87
Pyraminx 1097 15996 50786 9.26 11.77 38767 12410 817
Skewb 847 12015 37542 11.15 13.80 30267 9703 715
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Murcia 10th Anniversary 2017 Second round 30 24.95 29.36 29.1025.38DNF33.6024.95
First round 37 24.67 28.01 30.2026.8324.6730.0427.16
Alzira mueve las piezas 2017 Second round 32 21.46 31.76 31.7335.7327.8337.1121.46
First round 46 28.37 36.02 28.3736.6035.1236.3436.77
2x2x2 Cube
Murcia 10th Anniversary 2017 Final 21 3.65 7.40 3.656.498.547.17DNF
Second round 19 5.88 7.13 10.407.185.888.146.08
First round 27 5.91 7.90 7.607.238.8710.435.91
Alzira mueve las piezas 2017 Second round 34 8.04 9.44 10.0510.218.409.878.04
First round 38 6.91 11.15 12.7211.6411.899.936.91
3x3x3 One-Handed
Murcia 10th Anniversary 2017 Final 28 1:25.87 DNF1:25.87
Murcia 10th Anniversary 2017 Final 22 DNF DNFDNF
Murcia 10th Anniversary 2017 Final 20 10.17 11.77 13.9611.1612.2710.1711.89
Alzira mueve las piezas 2017 Final 26 9.26 13.71 14.3515.5711.219.2615.97
Murcia 10th Anniversary 2017 Final 20 11.15 13.80 11.1513.0512.9715.7615.39
Alzira mueve las piezas 2017 Final 19 12.16 14.76 26.8016.0614.3412.1613.88
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