Kashyap Chaudhari

Completed Solves
India 2017CHAU08 Male 2 32

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5580 37367 107040 21.52 25.60 104711 36795 5477
4x4x4 Cube 1690 12933 40598 1:20.47 1:35.51 38418 11965 1660
3x3x3 One-Handed 2141 13586 38545 36.85 50.04 40507 13986 2336
3x3x3 Cube
i.Cube Open 2017 First round 23 22.02 26.45 34.3431.0124.4723.8822.02
Gujarat Cube Days 2017 Second round 18 23.10 25.60 26.2327.4631.6223.1023.10
First round 19 21.52 25.90 30.9028.8621.5222.8725.96
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