Aidan Crawford

Completed Solves
United States 2017CRAW04 Male 7 134

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 20297 26897 101069 20.77 22.53 86048 22471 16876
2x2x2 Cube 14936 19527 69026 5.35 7.07 60771 17202 13141
4x4x4 Cube 9488 12701 46302 1:31.19
3x3x3 One-Handed 10833 14560 53950 1:01.30
Megaminx 5251 7131 23567 3:24.21
Pyraminx 7627 9783 35348 7.54 11.88 40346 11250 8776
Skewb 8254 10432 33640 9.89 13.05 28537 8657 6845
Square-1 1649 2032 6215 20.88 40.10 10299 3408 2759
3x3x3 Cube
Northern Colorado Cubing 2022 First round 34 21.12 22.53 22.2421.1228.4622.2423.12
Colorado Qualifier 2019 Second round 61 21.08 28.67 21.0828.7827.7929.4330.24
First round 55 22.55 24.34 27.4123.8522.5525.8223.34
Rocky Mountain Spring 2019 First round 51 24.33 28.53 24.3331.9828.3432.7825.28
CubingUSA Nationals 2018 First round 574 20.77 24.83 21.1426.7529.9620.7726.61
Colorado Qualifier 2018 First round 86 26.23 30.45 26.6726.2332.99DNF31.68
Eugene Spring 2018 Second round 43 22.31 26.91 29.9424.5422.3132.1026.24
First round 47 25.04 27.55 29.0327.0033.1926.6325.04
Veterans Day Open 2017 First round 90 1:10.29 1:24.40 1:10.291:30.711:37.911:23.121:19.37
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