Boris Cuevas

Completed Solves
Chile 2017CUEV01 Male 5 68

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 316 3472 44046 13.38 16.32 45300 3570 337
2x2x2 Cube 452 4768 61029 4.94 7.20 63004 4657 481
4x4x4 Cube 390 3566 45470 1:29.55
5x5x5 Cube 174 1567 21992 2:25.49 2:39.41 19312 1426 155
3x3x3 Blindfolded 49 635 9254 6:21.74
3x3x3 One-Handed 393 4501 53277 59.24 1:14.15 46984 4050 335
Pyraminx 721 7847 99544 17.85
Square-1 96 663 10140 29.19 34.69 8512 553 84
3x3x3 Cube
Open La Florida 2017 First round 32 13.38 16.32 13.3816.4018.7416.4216.15
Latin America Cubing Tour - Santiago 2017 Semi Final 53 14.62 18.27 16.9614.6221.5616.7921.07
Second round 49 15.60 17.65 17.4115.6017.2821.5518.25
First round 53 14.28 17.88 14.7718.9519.9214.2822.79
Rubik Soletta Santiago 2017 First round 27 16.36 17.57 16.3719.6028.5016.7416.36
IN OPEN 2.0 2017 First round 34 15.55 19.05 21.1517.8318.1615.5522.28
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