Matthew Elizalde

Completed Solves
United States 2017ELIZ01 Male 9 333

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3921 5120 19810 10.44 13.04 22078 5592 4269
2x2x2 Cube 2555 3310 11971 2.41 3.82 9479 2688 2090
4x4x4 Cube 5643 7669 29496 1:04.93 1:09.66 25981 6757 4977
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 1670 2276 10420 67
3x3x3 One-Handed 2583 3522 14657 21.24 25.59 13694 3203 2343
Pyraminx 3099 3996 15392 5.20 7.75 13405 3348 2604
Skewb 779 976 3676 3.28 5.34 3192 837 657

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 0 2
3x3x3 Cube
Acadiana Classic 2019 Final 9 13.96 14.53 14.8216.5414.6913.9614.08
Second round 6 11.63 13.04 14.2113.3411.6313.1012.69
First round 8 12.19 13.21 14.2215.6512.1913.1512.25
Longhorn Fall 2018 Final 13 10.44 13.95 14.5410.4412.4116.1214.91
Second round 14 11.53 13.36 19.7712.6115.9311.5411.53
First round 12 11.79 13.23 14.8713.9412.7213.0311.79
Dallas Fort Worth 2018 Second round 22 14.40 15.68 14.8814.4016.4315.7417.40
First round 20 13.25 14.69 14.8113.2514.4514.8115.91
Cubalaya 2018 Second round 10 12.22 15.28 14.8814.1617.9812.2216.80
First round 11 14.72 16.17 18.4414.7215.2916.1917.02
Longhorn Spring 2018 Final 12 15.70 17.41 17.6416.2315.7018.37DNF
Second round 12 12.36 14.71 15.1612.3619.1515.3113.66
First round 15 14.32 16.03 16.0719.0017.0514.9614.32
Longhorn Cube Day 2017 Second round 21 13.23 15.83 17.7813.2516.4618.3713.23
First round 22 13.64 16.41 16.1917.2213.6419.9615.82
Southern Championships 2017 Second round 54 16.62 19.68 16.6220.3620.2620.0418.73
First round 58 15.73 19.56 18.3321.4926.1918.8715.73
Texas Two-Day Showdown 2017 Second round 44 18.86 22.79 22.3025.1922.2123.8618.86
First round 30 16.12 17.83 21.5618.8917.7416.8616.12
Don't Mess With Texas 2017 First round 75 23.95 25.35 23.9727.5023.9528.4224.58
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