Alejandro José Díaz Gerard

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Spain 2017GERA01 Male 1 25

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1374 22177 90748 19.27 20.71 74971 18328 1094
2x2x2 Cube 1652 24057 86915 6.35 7.91 73544 20436 1361
Pyraminx 1932 26601 89060 14.57 15.90 67887 20686 1416
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Altasierra 2017 Second round 39 21.32 26.21 28.2321.3227.3623.0444.19
First round 19 19.27 20.71 24.8721.7421.1019.3019.27
2x2x2 Cube
Altasierra 2017 Final 37 6.35 9.60 6.357.4613.967.3921.74
First round 28 7.23 7.91
Altasierra 2017 Final 33 14.57 15.90 19.5416.3114.5716.3115.07
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