Isaac Hancock

Completed Solves
United States 2017HANC01 Male 4 124

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5080 6701 26203 11.29 13.60 25812 6500 4920
2x2x2 Cube 6286 8257 29594 3.41 5.63 35995 10071 7720
4x4x4 Cube 4270 5835 22953 56.80 1:11.12 26884 7032 5180
3x3x3 Blindfolded 1677 2246 9840 7:42.53
3x3x3 One-Handed 8095 11005 42526 41.21 45.33 37131 9659 7101
Clock 6626 7991 24081 1:30.83
Pyraminx 519 639 2496 2.62 4.85 3417 855 680
Skewb 3370 4314 15178 5.91 8.27 11847 3256 2514

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 1
3x3x3 Cube
Fruit Salad 2018 Final 12 11.29 13.89 14.2114.1713.5911.2913.90
Second round 14 12.30 13.60 13.6413.3615.0513.8012.30
First round 14 11.88 13.82 11.8814.1614.8413.0214.29
Wolfpack Winter 2018 Second round 30 12.67 15.71 14.1016.3316.7112.6717.54
First round 26 13.50 15.32 24.3413.5015.9616.0813.91
Raleigh Rubik's Rally 2017 Second round 24 14.49 15.33 15.0015.9914.4915.0020.95
First round 32 16.33 17.54 16.5616.3317.0019.0619.34
ODU Big Blue Spring 2017 Second round 29 15.09 17.58 19.2517.0221.0216.4815.09
First round 22 14.73 15.73 14.7315.1215.5216.5618.54
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