Brayan Huaman

Completed Solves
Peru 2017HUAM07 Male 4 55

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 519 2363 30803 11.84 14.10 29211 2158 495
2x2x2 Cube 617 3131 40223 3.94 5.44 32606 2337 493
4x4x4 Cube 338 1610 20652 54.13 1:01.67 20420 1591 332
3x3x3 One-Handed 443 2190 27052 28.49
3x3x3 Cube
Peru Nationals 2019 Second round 63 13.96 14.51 14.7113.9615.8814.3914.43
First round 51 11.84 14.10 16.7615.4311.8413.8013.07
Peru Nationals 2018 Second round 71 15.47 16.63 17.2516.7219.1915.9315.47
First round 49 12.68 14.46 14.7216.4214.9813.6712.68
FIGHT Peru 2018 First round 83 13.91 15.69 13.9115.0917.2317.6814.75
Campeonato Nacional Perubik 2017 First round 175 20.10 DNF 20.87DNF22.87DNF20.10
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