Franklin Huanga

Completed Solves
Ecuador 2017HUAN06 Male 3 157

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 95 1880 24649 11.09 13.68 26384 1944 92
2x2x2 Cube 101 2201 28727 3.36 4.06 12061 846 38
4x4x4 Cube 64 1266 16684 49.67 56.15 16099 1208 58
5x5x5 Cube 52 1201 16913 2:00.64 2:11.80 15940 1121 53
6x6x6 Cube 34 771 12285 5:21.45
3x3x3 One-Handed 56 1135 14648 21.22 24.50 12119 918 43
Pyraminx 7 320 4865 3.31 5.10 3997 265 7

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 0

Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Ecuador Nationals 2018 Final 15 11.84 14.39 15.8014.5711.8412.7917.45
Semi Final 15 12.28 14.58 16.5914.0613.6716.0012.28
Second round 14 12.47 13.90 14.5612.4715.8812.5814.55
First round 8 11.74 13.68 11.7416.1615.8512.2612.93
Imbabura Open 2017 Final 6 13.06 14.49 14.5815.1113.0616.7713.79
Second round 10 12.83 14.66 16.6918.5112.8313.5013.78
First round 7 11.09 14.38 18.6415.0612.4215.6611.09
First Ecuador Open 2017 Final 18 14.70 18.42 20.5322.2414.7018.6216.12
Second round 21 16.31 18.98 19.2517.8721.6916.3119.83
First round 17 15.86 17.79 17.8219.5515.8643.9815.99

History of National Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
3.31 Ecuador Nationals 2018 Final
5.10 Ecuador Nationals 2018 First round 4.374.589.776.354.03

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Ecuador Nationals 2018
Pyraminx 1 3.31 6.03 15.373.3110.224.183.68
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