Tomas Gael Paredes Jaramillo

Completed Solves
Chile 2017JARA11 Male 3 119

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 197 1916 25101 11.14 13.57 25703 1889 192
2x2x2 Cube 70 805 10728 2.32 3.76 8902 611 52
4x4x4 Cube 136 1111 14697 47.57 55.20 15273 1142 136
5x5x5 Cube 167 1514 21314 2:21.51 2:34.48 18918 1389 148
3x3x3 One-Handed 114 1265 16033 21.95 24.01 11446 873 83
Skewb 86 813 11957 5.22 7.05 7833 521 51
Square-1 38 251 4035 16.40 24.53 4781 287 48
3x3x3 Cube
Los Ángeles Invierno 2018 Second round 18 11.14 14.63 14.2916.1711.1415.0014.60
First round 14 11.79 13.57 12.3415.2315.4911.7913.14
CCP 2018 Second round 33 17.82 19.71 18.3017.8219.4422.4021.39
First round 36 15.96 19.72 23.0819.5920.2515.9619.31
Instituto Nacional Open 2017 Second round 71 18.07 21.99 21.6537.1818.0723.3820.94
First round 67 16.63 19.37 19.6822.4419.9716.6318.47
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