Nitesh Jha

Completed Solves
India 2017JHAN01 Male 10 272

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 646 5860 16435 9.96 11.24 11761 4278 424
2x2x2 Cube 2532 15157 52231 4.52 6.39 49378 14939 2399
4x4x4 Cube 540 5380 15226 48.18 55.96 15874 5619 547
3x3x3 Blindfolded 38 380 1144 57.21
3x3x3 One-Handed 848 6156 16444 22.19 26.54 15103 5795 760
Megaminx 153 1479 5407 1:17.00 1:24.22 5026 1384 139
Pyraminx 2128 11044 41657 8.22 10.96 33497 9212 1603

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 4 1
3x3x3 Cube
Bengaluru Cool Down 2019 Final 6 11.70 13.05 16.5513.0012.9013.2511.70
Second round 4 9.96 11.24 10.269.9612.2412.0411.41
First round 7 12.22 13.42 15.1013.4213.8013.0512.22
Bangalore Open 2018 Final 10 12.76 13.92 13.2712.7615.6514.6813.81
Second round 7 10.12 11.81 10.1211.8212.6611.2712.35
First round 12 10.34 15.05 17.7212.6110.3421.1214.83
Bengaluru Championship 2018 First round 17 11.60 15.00 12.5511.6013.9918.5318.45
Oakridge Cube Open - April 2018 First round 20 11.97 14.61 11.9713.1618.2914.4416.23
Anaadyanta Cube Open 2018 Final 5 12.93 14.31 19.3315.4912.9314.4213.03
Second round 9 13.46 14.33 13.5918.0815.0013.4614.39
First round 6 12.08 13.88 12.0814.4614.0513.9713.63
Aboard the Pyraminx Train 2018 Final 7 11.47 13.77 13.5813.9611.4717.8113.78
Second round 7 11.75 12.93 11.7511.8815.9914.8412.07
First round 7 11.99 13.39 16.0113.7011.9912.4314.05
APJ BLD Open 2017 Final 5 11.80 13.49 14.5113.7211.8012.2421.17
Second round 9 13.44 15.20 13.4416.3115.6415.4214.54
First round 9 13.42 14.85 13.4216.1515.0814.6614.81
ICC Juniors August 2017 Final 9 11.63 15.40 14.5818.3014.6111.6317.02
Second round 6 13.15 14.52 14.9218.4113.3615.2813.15
First round 6 12.80 13.22 12.9012.8018.6012.8313.94
Anaadyanta Cube Open 2017 Final 5 11.69 13.17 15.6712.1511.6913.3713.98
Second round 11 13.28 15.56 19.5216.9813.2814.3515.36
First round 10 13.34 15.51 13.3415.5019.0416.4714.55
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