Marcel Krupa

Completed Solves
Poland 2017KRUP02 Male 3 74

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2534 24171 99012 20.47 26.26 107250 26105 2734
2x2x2 Cube 1267 10996 35969 3.73 6.33 48246 13671 1595
4x4x4 Cube 2062 18221 61715 2:09.30
Megaminx 1051 8657 26344 4:08.17
Pyraminx 1203 9329 28121 6.76 7.18 10773 3679 557
Skewb 1260 10057 31100 9.27 10.92 21182 6904 933
3x3x3 Cube
Polish Open 2017 First round 97 24.36 26.26 24.8929.0830.2124.3624.81
ŚLS Będzin Open 2017 First round 73 20.47 27.90 29.4926.2820.4730.2327.94
SLS Gliwice 2017 First round 104 33.60 38.55 33.6135.9949.9833.6046.06
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